• Recipes

    Lactose-Free Cheesecake

    If you – like me – enjoy a cheesecake, but can’t digest lactose then this recipe is for you. Today I would like to share my Lactose-Free Cheesecake recipe that tastes just as good as the original. I know that you could simply take lactase enzyme tablets in order to be able to digest lactose better, but I believe that prevention is better than the cure. You could also adapt the recipe to be vegan, by using plant based cream cheese as well as an egg substitute. Please bear in mind that you shouldn’t avoid lactose completely, without speaking to your doctor first. Ingredients 300g dark chocolate or plain digestives…

  • showcase a cup of coffee

    Coffee Recipes, For People That Don’t Like The Taste Of Coffee

    Today I wanted to share with you my top 3 Coffee Recipes For People That Don’t Like The Taste Of Coffee. There is nothing better than the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, no matter how tired I am, the smell of coffee will gently wake me up. There is something very cozy about it. I grew up in Croatia and my grandma used to make Turkish coffee early in the morning and whenever I woke up I was greeted with the nostalgic scent of coffee. I can drink one Turkish coffee a day, but I am not a massive fan. I also can’t drink coffee from coffee machines,…